I don't know how this escaped my radar, but I just wanted to state for the record that I am happy to live in a world in which The Penguin Jumper Project is a smashing success. For those of you like me, who are out of the penguin sweater loop, the Penguin Jumper Project was created by the Tasmanian Conservation Trust to aid penguins who are the victim of oil spills. When an oil spill happens, the oil clogs the penguins' pores, cutting down on the waterproof/insulation qualities of their coat. Plus, when the penguin tries to groom themselves, the oil poisons them. Enter the clever people of the Tasmanian Conservancy. They put out a call for penguin sweaters, posted a pattern on their website, and were overwhelmed with responses. In short order, they gathered over 15,000 penguin sweaters. They got so many submissions, that they exceeded their own needs. You might want to keep their pattern handy in case the Exxon Valdez comes trawling in your neighborhood. If you're looking for someplace to put all of that love you were saving for the penguins, you should trawl the archives at craftivism.com. Betsy keeps track of the very best ways for Crafters to save the planet, and even themselves.