The day Extreme Craft has been hoping for has finally arrived! Over a year ago, I brought you the heartwarming story of Robert McDonald, an American stuntman living in the Netherlands who was undertaking a massive Extreme Craft project. McDonald spearheaded the construction of a full-sized Viking ship out of 15 million POPSICLE STICKS! The craft (sorry...couldn't resist) was assembled in part by the schoolchildren who collected the sticks (tough job, right?).
The Sea Heart, as the Viking Ship has been christened, set sail last week, accompanied by a flurry of media attention. CNN was along for the ride, and produced this video. According to its creator, The Sea Heart is the world's biggest project out of recycled certainly accounts for huge number of ice cream bars. Any time I deliver the Extreme Craft roadshow lecture, this project is always front and center as a testament to the concept of the "whim of iron"--which is like the will or iron, but generally indicates that a person is unable not to see their most hairbrained schemes through to completion. Mr. McDonald, Extreme Craft salutes you. Not that I needed another excuse to eat ice cream bars.