I write a lot about my background on the pages of Extreme Craft. I grew up on a farm in Nebraska and have a distinct appreciation for all things agricultural (Hello Gerald Ford Corn Maze!). My family didn't raise cattle, but we were surrounded by 'em. The closest I remember to any of them making art was one that died during a heat wave, then kind of um....exploded. I've heard of Agrifolk Art, but I wasn't aware of any particular aesthetic inclinations in our bovine friends....until today, that is.
Close personal friend of Extreme Craft Bean Gilsdorf just sent me a link to Salt Lick City, an art exhibition devoted to art created by cows licking salt blocks. For those of you who didn't have the privilege of growing up around cows--they need extra salt and minerals in their diet, and the easiest way for farmers to provide those minerals is through hard blocks that cows are prone to lick. I never thought of the used salt licks on the neighbor's farm as modern art, but seeing the pieces on display at Salt Lick City cinches it for me. Maybe the Hindus have something in thinking cows are sacred.
If you have a talented cow, there's still time to get your entries to the Crossroads Art Center in Baker City, Oregon. The entries will be auctioned off on October 24th, with proceeds going to the Parkinson Center of Oregon. You may also send in your bids via email. Take that, painting elephants and drawing trees!