What do you suppose the greatest accomplishment of the Indie Craft movement is? The transmission of handicraft from one generation to the next? The blurred line between art and craft? Reclaiming gender roles from the realm of stereotype? Nay to all of these! The biggest accomplishment of Indie Craft is the unfathomable ability to make ANYTHING cuddly! Cuddly Yetis and zombies? That's so 2005! Internal organs? Shark attack? Poop? If it makes you wanna throw up, some crafter somewhere has knitted it, felted it or amigarumi-ed it all the way into your heart.
I digress. Fiendishly awesome Etsy seller Emily Stoneking made this hhand-knitted frog on a dissection board. The devil is in the details--it's not permanently pinned down to the board, so you can unpin it and transfer all of the cuddly affection that you still hold in your heart for your 7th grade Biology teacher (you were not without your charms, Mrs. Rasmussen!). Sadly, the frogs are sold out, but judging from the link-o-rama love that's going on for these, they should be back.