Sorry for the radio silence! I'm on a Midwest sojourn, and I was out WiFi range in BRANSON, MISSOURI. I'm back in the civilized (and internet connected) arms of my in-laws in Jefferson City, MO, and I've got a lot to share. I thought I'd kick things off with a peek at my mother's quilt room back in Nebraska. Over the years, she has amassed a collection that rivals that of most quilt shops I've been dragged to. This is but a corner of a room that is stacked floor to ceiling with fat quarters, thirds (her preferred unit of purchase) and assorted scraps.
My mother is an amazing quilter who is getting ever-bolder with her choices when it comes to color. She's more prolific than any artist I know. I love spending time in her quilt room, which is sorted by color and's a little like a huge quilt in itself. I would be paralyzed with all of the choices, but for my mother, it's all grist for the mill. She's probably horrified that I'm putting this up on Extreme Craft, but let's just call it payback for all of the times she shamed me into cleaning my room.