When it comes down to it, most fans of handmade things can also appreciate great design. Even if mass-produced objects don't function in the same way that something handmade does, a well-crafted gadget or piece of furniture retains that spark of human inventiveness and care for the end user. I'm crazy excited for Gary Hustwit's new documentary, Objectified. I was a slavish fanboy for his "Helvetica" documentary, and the trailer for the new film has me just as excited.
I love walking through thrift stores and flea markets and thinking about the human being who designed each of the cast-off objects. Was the object designed with hopefulness and care, or was it tossed off by an underpaid, undercaring designer shackled to a corporate job? Some of my favorite objects are misfires...things that a true believer took a few steps too far. Even though this film appears to explore the world of more "refined" taste, I can't wait.