Aloha from Hawaii! I'm in Honolulu for four weeks as a part of the University of Hawaii's East-West ceramics cultural exchange. How did I get invited to a prestigious residency like this? I like to think it's affirmative action for ugly Americans. Sorry for the radio silence on Extreme Craft.... I promise I'll have plenty to share when I can be lured away from the studio.
I had to share this, though. File this baby under "can't unsee". Denver artist Landon Meier makes scary realistic masks--think Ron Mueck or Duane Hanson realistic. His adult-sized baby masks will be haunting my nightmare for months. His newest creation is a super limited edition Charlie Sheen mask that will set you back a cool $2500. That's a small price to pay for a piece of hyperrealistic (not to mention winning) art like this. You can find other creepy/amazing masks at Meier's website, Hyperflesh.
LINK via BoingBoing